This is ME - Take it or Leave It

Like A Rock - I Must be Hard
Like An Oak - I Must Stand Firm
Cut Quick - Like My Blade
Think Fast - Unafraid

Like a Cloud - I am Soft
Like Bamboo - I Bend in the Wind
Creeping Slow - I'm at Peace
Because I Know
It's Okay to Be Afraid


Random Things I Believe In

happy friday!

i really dont know how i should begin this, thinking i may well do the bullets, so here goes..

i believe...

  • everything happens for a reason. things happen, good, bad and everything in between. i do not always understand the reasons, and in some cases that i do, i cannot accept it. but i believe that whatever it is, it will always end up good. no matter how bad it started.
  • in that one true love. or if im being mushy today, soulmates. there is somebody out there meant specifically for each one of us. there are old maids or bachelors because they didnt meet their other halves in this life. maybe in another lifetime, in another form, in another life. but they will. WILL.
  • there is goodness in every person and so is beauty.
  • there is a higher power. UP there. who helped me through all the rocks and fences and boulders of life.
  • in the strength of a family. when you feel that the world turned its back on you, you will find your family, standing there beside you, holding your hand.
  • i cannot please everybody. i can try but i know it will just be a waste of my time. as long as im comfortable with myself and with what i do. i dont give a damn for whatever other people are saying.
  • when im very tired, drinking milk will make me feel ok. (or is there some proven scientific fact for this?)
  • that once in a while, it is okay to cry.
  • that 'im sorry" is not the same as "its my fault".
  • i cant expect anybody to love me as much as i do. but i am worth loving. (or so i wish, hehe)
  • that its not 'seeing is believing'. believing is seeing. (i wish i could remember from which movie i got this. as far as i can recall, its about christmas)
  • that half truths are still half lies. white lies, red lies, blue lies, even rainbow-colored lies are still lies.
  • not, in the saying that 'what they dont know, wont hurt them.' because they will know. and it will hurt them doubly.
  • that to earn respect, you should know how to give it.
  • that children will believe in anything thier parents will say or do. even if its 'magically' changing one small chocolate kisses to a big one.
  • that a toothache is worse than a headache, back ache, stomach ache, and body pains rolled into one.
  • that spending a day in a beach is absolutely wonderful. LOVE.
  • that when i love someone, you i everything about him. the way he smile, his laughters, his boyish ways. and i also love his nature of forgetting anniversaries, and his inability to put his clothes in the laundry basket rather than the floor. he is not perfect and so am i. but he loved me for who i am and who i can be. i am very much willing to return the favor.
  • that every relationship has rough spots. and the trust with each other to go through the rocky roads together is the real measure of love.
  • that people make mistakes. that i make mistakes. i can be bitchy sometimes. but what's important is the ability to admit mistakes and learn from it. telling sorry is a plus factor too.
  • that it is hard to stay angry at any specific person for very long. it is stressful and tiring. no matter how grave the offense may be. forgiveness is divine.
  • having a planner is very good. especially for me. i am a very forgetful person. i think im suffering from very-short-term memory loss.
  • growing old is not about having white hair or wrinkled skin. (although of course you'll still have them) it is about having more life behind you. more wisdom from the years. better understanding. more love. more patience. and more beauty inside.
  • that changing your hair conditioner in the middle of the week because you ran out of the usual will make your husband tell you that your hair smells like the dead.
  • that its 15minutes from noon and i am hungry.
  • that the most important belief that you should have, is that you believe in yourself.
  • i do.