This is ME - Take it or Leave It

Like A Rock - I Must be Hard
Like An Oak - I Must Stand Firm
Cut Quick - Like My Blade
Think Fast - Unafraid

Like a Cloud - I am Soft
Like Bamboo - I Bend in the Wind
Creeping Slow - I'm at Peace
Because I Know
It's Okay to Be Afraid


Genetically Read

I love reading. Definitely. I could spend an entire day doing nothing but read. (Well, if you count the times I tried reading the review material for the board exam, I lasted about 3 minutes. And that's actually an achievement.) My collection consists of love stories, FBI thrillers, Bob Ong's books, Harry Potter series, inspirationals, documentaries, vampire chronicles, comic books, and the reviewers (yes, even those).

The thing is, I read a lot. It relaxes me. It takes me to places Ive never been, tells me things Ive never known. It helps me with my emotions. I laugh, I cry, I get angry, I fear. This is my outlet. My window to the world.

I rather read the book than watch the movie. Those writers, producers, directors or whoever it is responsible for the script tends to alter the chronology. They almost always do not follow the book. I dont like that. The first (and as of today, only) movie I've seen which is entirely adapted to the book is "The Green Mile". Loved the book. Loved the movie.
*End of Commercial*

I think its genetics. My mom is the main carrier. She's a reading freak. She reads entirely everything. As in everything. There are the common stuff like books, newspapers and magazines, but there are also the odd things like old newspapers that were already used to pack dried fish in the market (maybe she'll read my reviewer if I give it to her). It was more than a habit I think, more like an obsession. My sisters and I always go gaga over the lectures she gives us over what she read even if it sounds like a real nonsense. LOL. Love you ma. Cardboard siopaos are nonsense ma. Accept it.

Then there's my younger brother. He's so like me. We actually grew up together, having only 2 years of age difference. If he's not playing some wonderful (eyes rolling) computer game, or trying to do his program (he's an IT student), he's most probably reading. He borrowed every book in my collection. But he never bothered asking for the reviewer.

My younger sister loves reading too. But in a very weird way. She starts the book in the middle. Reads about 10 to 15 pages. Moves to the end of the book. Reads about the same number of pages. Then she starts flipping pages, reads a few. Loop. I don't know how she was able to finish any book she started using her method. She knows all the details though. I just dont know if she could retell the story in the exact order. Maybe she wants to be in the movie industry.

And the youngest. She doesnt read. She doesnt want to. End of story. (She's taking BS Education Major in English ?!shrugs?!).
See? Its genetics.